We have been so busy at The Wheatlands in the last few weeks that I haven't gotten a chance to update you all on what we have been working on or let you know about Parent Teacher Conferences.
Report Card Hint:
First, however is a hint about the report cards. We are aware of a glitch in the system and if you can't see your child's music grade, please make sure you go to Marking Period 1 (MP1). Apparently the system was defaulting to the wrong quarter, which is why some of you couldn't see your child's grade!
Parent/Teacher Conferences:
I am certainly available if you have any questions about what we do in music class here at The Wheatlands during Parent/Teacher Conferences. I will be available the following hours to talk to you:
Wednesday: 7:30-8:15 A.M.
3:45-5:30 P.M.
Thursday: 7:30-8:30 A.M.
2:00-5:00 P.M. and 6:00-7:30 P.M.
Friday: 8:30 A.M. - 2:00 P.M.
What Are We Working On?:
Here's a bit about what we are working on in music class for each grade level...
1st Grade: VETERAN'S DAY!!!! We are so excited to present our 11th Annual Veteran's Day performance next Tuesday at 9:30 and 2:00 in the gym at The Wheatlands.
2nd Grade: Right now we are learning a bunch of things in 2nd grade about the String and Percussion families of instruments. We are also working in centers about lines and spaces on the staff, Solfeg, reviewing rhythms, AND learning about skips and steps on the staff.
3rd Grade: We are about to be embarking on a look at the Woodwind family, and we are finishing up learning about the spaces on the staff. We are also looking at the symbols that make up written music as well.
4th Grade: We have mastered our space notes on the staff, have been reviewing the Brass and Woodwind Families, and are currently playing some improvisations on the xylophones and glockenspiels.
5th Grade: MUSICAL!!!! As all the 5th grade parents should know, we are working on our 5th grade musical, Snow Biz! right now and having an absolute blast getting to know it!
So there is music at The Wheatlands. I'm sure that I'll see some of you this week sometime, so have a lovely first week of November!
Welcome to Music at The Wheatlands!!
We're so glad to see you!! This blog will post many different things this year including pictures of things we are doing in the classroom, kid projects for your listening and laughing pleasure, and a bunch of different updates through the year. The Grade Level Links on the top bar will take you to information about our curriculum and things that we will be focusing on in music throughout the year! There are also music games for the kids to play around with, videos for the kids to watch on various topics, and a kid safe music search engine! I hope you have a wonderful school year!! SRains@sd308.org