Welcome to Music at The Wheatlands!!

We're so glad to see you!! This blog will post many different things this year including pictures of things we are doing in the classroom, kid projects for your listening and laughing pleasure, and a bunch of different updates through the year. The Grade Level Links on the top bar will take you to information about our curriculum and things that we will be focusing on in music throughout the year! There are also music games for the kids to play around with, videos for the kids to watch on various topics, and a kid safe music search engine! I hope you have a wonderful school year!! SRains@sd308.org

Friday, May 9, 2014

The End of the Year is Approaching FAST!!!

I can't believe how close the end of the year is.  Every year I think that it goes by quicker than it did the year before.  Now for the fun of the end of the year... Musicals, projects, and recorders... OH MY!!

In first grade we get to watch the AMAZING classic, "Mary Poppins" to finish off the school year.  We learn about overtures, what a musical is versus a concert, and do a few different activities based on the Julie Andrew/Dick Van Dyke movie.

In second grade, we finished learning about different cultures and their music and celebrations and are watching the not so well known musical "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang" based on the book by Ian Flemming.  We learn about Overtures and Intermissions with this musical, write about our favorite songs, and design our own Chitty Chitty Bang Bang cars while talking about this classic.

In third grade, we just reviewed instruments after our 3rd grade musical and are going to begin watching another classic that is not so well known, "Bedknobs and Broomsticks".  This is another one that teaches a few musical ideas and is actually heavy on the history of World War II which is when the movie takes place.

Many must be thinking... hmmm... watching videos in music class for the end of the year... hmmm.  I know that sometimes we think that putting children in front of a television can be a bad thing, but it is my philosophy that sometimes children can learn a lot from this form.  That is, of course, why I chose musicals from the mid-early seventies to watch because it isn't something that many of them are exposed to even at this young age.  Quality singing from musical greats like Julie Andrews is something that I think the kids enjoy and it does expose them to something new.  However... my one disclaimer is... please don't blame me when your child tries to snap to clean their bedroom (I've had it in the past), asks you if your car can fly, or tries to see if their bed can travel to a distant land.

At this time, fourth grade is still working on their recorders, passing tests and working on songs during class and outside of school.

Fifth grade is still working on their project about music and all of its qualities.  Some of the documents they have come up with are AWESOME and it is so neat to see them talk so intelligently about a song by Avicii, for example.  They should be starting their kid-friendly recordings about their songs soon as well.  I can't wait for you to hear those!