Welcome to Music at The Wheatlands!!

We're so glad to see you!! This blog will post many different things this year including pictures of things we are doing in the classroom, kid projects for your listening and laughing pleasure, and a bunch of different updates through the year. The Grade Level Links on the top bar will take you to information about our curriculum and things that we will be focusing on in music throughout the year! There are also music games for the kids to play around with, videos for the kids to watch on various topics, and a kid safe music search engine! I hope you have a wonderful school year!! SRains@sd308.org

Monday, November 4, 2013

Symbols Scavenger Hunt!

Music has been referred to as a language of its own for many years.  It has its own system of symbols that only a musician can understand.  Kids don't realize how much they take in through symbols in our every day life.  In fact one of the ways that I introduce the idea of symbols is by having the kids play a round of Logo Quiz on my iPad!  They understand that symbols give them information in many different ways.  Then we branch it off into music!!

In one fun activity this week, the kids are doing a bit of a scavenger hunt using real music.  They had a list of symbols that they had to find with a group in their piece of music.  Putting the symbols in context before really getting into what they mean will give it way more meaning when we delve deeper into how what is printed on a page turns into something awesome that we can listen to!

She is searching through her octavo to find her groups' symbols!

This looks like they found one!

Three heads were definitely better than one... this group finished their Scavenger Hunt with time to spare!