Welcome to Music at The Wheatlands!!

We're so glad to see you!! This blog will post many different things this year including pictures of things we are doing in the classroom, kid projects for your listening and laughing pleasure, and a bunch of different updates through the year. The Grade Level Links on the top bar will take you to information about our curriculum and things that we will be focusing on in music throughout the year! There are also music games for the kids to play around with, videos for the kids to watch on various topics, and a kid safe music search engine! I hope you have a wonderful school year!! SRains@sd308.org

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Technology is AMAZING!!

I love all the positive feedback that I've been getting about the music blog!  Parents have told me that they are super excited to get to see what their students are doing in music class, and they like that connection to the school.  I am especially excited that technology can bridge that gap between the classroom and the home.  Every day I'm trying to add more games, videos, activities, etc. to the blog for you and your children to explore, and they are super excited about sharing it with you.

One thing that I came across was an idea that would help us out in music class for a lot of our projects... more technology!!  Do you have an old iPhone 3 or above sitting in your home?  Or are you planning on getting the newest iPhone 5S coming out this fall?  If you have one sitting at home, we can use it in music class!

This technology would allow the students to more easily:

1. Audio record their projects and compositions.
2. Play games for review in small groups or with a partner for differentiation.
3. Listen to music in small groups.
4. Compose and create music through various music apps.
5. Research different music and cultures that we study throughout the year.

If you have an old iPhone sitting at home please consider donating it to music!  You can erase all data and all account information on the device or bring it in and I'll show you how, to protect your privacy.  The Sim card can be taken out and it will work just like an iPod touch and will be used on the school's secure wireless network.

Contact Miss Rains if you would like to donate!!