Welcome to Music at The Wheatlands!!

We're so glad to see you!! This blog will post many different things this year including pictures of things we are doing in the classroom, kid projects for your listening and laughing pleasure, and a bunch of different updates through the year. The Grade Level Links on the top bar will take you to information about our curriculum and things that we will be focusing on in music throughout the year! There are also music games for the kids to play around with, videos for the kids to watch on various topics, and a kid safe music search engine! I hope you have a wonderful school year!! SRains@sd308.org

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Teacher Wish Lists!

The PTA mentioned a great new website called Teacherlists.com.  Click the link below to get to my wish list for the music classroom.  We can post things that we need for our classrooms much like the apple trees during curriculum night.  The music room can always benefit from these things as well, since we see all the students at The Wheatlands.  Please check out the list online and pledge some items if you would like to be so generous!!  You can send any items in with your child on their music days (these are listed on the right if you don't know your child's music day) if you have chosen to pledge something.

I appreciate your support!!